Yes, I Would Like Another Computer Please

So I decided that my life would be that much more awesome if I had a mini laptop that I could dedicate to my music and my pictures. I scouted out some data on the 7-10" sizes (read: checked the Sunday flyers) and told Eric (yes, he has a name today!) what I was thinking. So he jumped onto the research bandwagon and did some actual data-gathering.
After a bit of a high-end Costco trip, I came home with a really cute little hp mini with a pretty decent 6 hour battery life. I added a swanky pink swirled skin to make it mine and am now loading my i-touch library accordingly.
Now when I head back out on the road, I'll have another computer to carry. Don't get behind me in the TSA line, though. Between shoes off, laptop out, mini-laptop out, cell phone, treo, i-touch, and my quart size baggie with liquids and gels, I'll need an extra 20 minutes just to get through security. This would not be the prudent time to discuss whether my crop-o-dile passes the 4" or less tool test. Right?
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